Legal information


coeo B.V. operating under the name coeo Incasso, registered with the KBO with enterprise number 0788.981.865, Rooigemlaan 532, at 9000 Ghent in Belgium, tel. +32 (0) 808 68 72 and e-mail [email protected].

Supervising authority:
Federal Public Service Economy, SMEs
Self-employed and Energy General Directorate for Economic Inspection
Koning Albert II-laan 16, 1000 Brussels

BE 0788.981.865

Bank account number
BE40 7360 7196 4263 (BIC: KREDBEBB)
In name of ”coeo B.V.”

Do you have any questions?

Our skilled staff is ready to assist you. Please contact us on +32 (0) 808 68 72 or send an e-mail to [email protected].